Kendric about kiwis
today in cybersmart we needed to help Mr Goodwin’s friend jhon about reasearching about kiwi.
what is a prototype
Today in inquiry we we learning what a prototype is. a prototype means somthing you plan before you make it like some characters in some games kinda like pac man the planned the ghost they planned the pac man. her’s my work and this is what i did.
Kendric How Much Money?
Today in maths we larnt about cents dollars like how much is in a a dollar a 100 cents how much is 2 dollars is 200 cents and this is what i did.
Kendric ask for help
Today in PB4L we did a google drawing about asking for help so that when someone bullies you or if you need help with your work or if someone is trying to fight you and this is what i did.
Kendric Decimal Comparison
Today in maths we were talking about Decimal numbers. Decimal numbers are numbers like ones tens hundreds thousends one hunderd thousends then millions. we had to put in largest to smallest numbers on a wok sheet and this is what i did.
Kendric Reading Decimal Numbers to 3 Places Worksheet
today in maths and we were counted decimal numbers. there’s also a chart and the numbers on there a ones tens 100 1000 100’00
and 1M and this is what i did.
Today in maths we were talking about Decimal numbers. Decimal numbers are numbers like ones tens hundreds thousends one hunderd thousends then millions. we had to put in largest to smallest numbers on a wok sheet and this is what i did.
Kendric finish it.
Throughout this year, our Writing group has learnt different aspects of writing a narrative story. This week’s task was to “finish” 6 stories we chose out of the slides Miss Tele’a provided. My favourite ending I wrote was for the story because it was easy .I did well at doing alot of writting I need to improve on bieng more creative I enjoyed The story’s i made.
Maths Can Do’s
This week in maths we have been learning how to work independently. thismeans working sienlently by your self without talking to otheres. our task this week was to complete as many can do as possible. the minimum amout was four. I chose to do theses four tasks :
1. Prototec
3. basic facts boxes
4.Basic fact practice
Kendric Niuean Language Week
a few days it was niuean Language week and we had to make a presentation of niuean Language week andwe learnt some words ment in niuean this is what i did.