Maths class party

In maths our class have benn planning a class party and our teacher made us 6 groups im in group 6. we also had a budget wich we could make it how high and low it is and our budget is $1.7k. we also bought some pizza some other food and drinks we aslo had 2 PS5 and 2 Pc’s weve also only done 1 slide but this is what we did.

Fake news

Today In cybersmart we learnt how to make a fake news with Google drawings. we had to add photos pictures URL a fake profile and name it was really fun to make and it was easy. I made my news about super dogs and 2 people saving the world so this is what I did.


                                                                                                               Today in Cybersamrt we learend what copyrights and ownerships are. I did this with my friend and on a slide we had to make our own  collage on what ever picture and we did nature. copyright is important because if you dont ask for premission from the owner to take something that stealing so this is what we did.


                                                                             Today in Writing we learned what a Metaphor, Idiom, symbolism, personification, Hyperbole and a simile is. a metaphor is when you say a sentence and Metaphor doesn’t includ the word like or as like. It’s raining cats and dogs. a simile is is when you say something that includes like or as like. she is so fast she like a cheetah. so its the opposite of metaphor. a Personification is your talking about and object and the objects mimics the action of a human like. The wind whispered through the the trees but it’s actullay the wind. A Hyperbole is when your speaking your using exaggeration like. Im so Hungry I could eat a horse. Sybolism is an object like a dove symbols the sign of peace or heart Wich is the symbol of love. and the last one is Idiom. Idiom is kinda like Metaphor and Our Teacher Miss Tele’a gave us slides to do and sentecs wich we had to put them in to Metaphor Simile Or personification I also did it with my friends dso this is what I did.


Yesterday my school had a diso and it was really fun everyone was dancing and singing and it was very loud and we got drinks chips and glow sticks and it lasted for 2 hours and like at half way at the disco there was a dance battle And there were teams and we split in half so that there was some space in the middle and there were theses girls diving in for there dance and also doing the worm and there were teams like team sigma And team skibidi and there was this line I forgot what it was called but it’s a were you put your hand on the person Infront of you and just sort of dance and at the end we had a class photo and that’s the Disco

korero poster

Today we had to make maori korero poster on Canva and I thought it was hard because I have never used Canva before but it was kinda easy and my korero poster is Kaua e mate wheke mate ururoa it means Don’t die like a octopus, die                                                                                                                           like a hammerhead shark and this is what I have done

Tongan language week

today in maths we learnt Tongan lanuage week and our topic was about languages and this is what me and my friend did.


Today in cybersmart we learnt how to use google meet and one of the qustion asked me name 3 people you would want in your google meet and i chose kendrick lamar spiderman\Miles morales and Mr beast and now im finished so this is what i done.

transformation poster

Today in maths we learnt what reflection rotation and what translation means. and all of that together is called transformation and everyone in my class had to do this task and I’m finished so this is what I did.

my one is on slide 20 if you wanna go see go to it.

Kendric Properties of 2D 3D shapes

so today in maths we figured out what 2D and 3D is 2D is were you can only see the front of a shape and 3D i where you can see around it so our teacher gave us slides about and now done so this is what i did.